Happy Solar Family: Marrickville
For Marrickville residents Alice and Owen Ferguson, the decision to install a large solar PV system and battery was driven heavily by a desire to do what they could for the climate.
They’d wanted to go solar for years but it wasn’t until they moved into their first house 18 months ago that it became possible.
“If we as a country had a lot more renewable energy I think I may think a bit differently about how important it is to get our own solar,” Alice says, “but because we as a country are so heavily reliant on fossil fuels it’s something we feel like we need to do our bit for, because the government and the general world is not doing enough.”
Owen adds: “We’re both concerned about the environment and trying to minimise our footprint, I guess. And obviously the second benefit from it is financial, there’s a big cost up front but then your bills come right down after that. It’s just everyone contributing where they can.”
The Fergusons had a very large, 12.75 kilowatt system installed a year ago, along with a 13.8kWh BYD battery, all facilitated by Inner West Community Energy. Their consumption of power from the (still heavily coal-generated) grid has dropped dramatically. It’s now almost nothing.
Alice, who’s a project manager in telecommunications, and Owen, a forensic scientist who works for the government, and their two daughters aged 9 and 6 are on the path to totally getting rid of gas. They removed the gas cooktop last month and now have an induction cooktop and new oven. Next it’s the gas hot water system, when funds permit and then they will have fully electrified the house. No more fossil fuels!
“Everyone can do something, depending on their means and financial situation,” Owen says.
Owen’s solar journey began at one of our Solar Information Nights two years ago. Check out our upcoming information night here.
Pictured: Alice and Owen Ferguson with their two daughters.